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FlightGear为什么没有ipad版本,Curtis Olson这样说的







发表于 2013-12-27 10:25:07 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Right; the challenge is that ios and android tend to provide very carefully sandboxed development environments.  These environments don't necessarily support compiling arbitrary C code and don't necessarily provide all the prerequisites and libraries that are needed.  There are the licensing issues already mentioned, and there is a resource and compute power issue given that most ios/android devices are relatively low cpu power, constrained memory, small storage devices (at least relative to a typical PC.)  This is a constantly evolving situation of course.  At the moment (I think) a person would almost have more success starting a new project specifically aimed at 1ghz class arm processors that are often found in small mobile devices ... versus porting a giant app that has been developed with full blown PC's in mind.

There was an alleged port of FlightGear to android, but I don't think anything ever came of it in the end. The guys doing the port wanted you to do a special registration and sign away all your rights to your first born child in order to test drive the app.  A lot was said and promised, but I never saw anything running myself for real and decided to remain skeptical until I at least saw youtube movies of the port in action ... and so far have not seen any.

If it was possible to compile native C/C++ code, and if it was possible to have all the FlightGear dependencies available (things like the boost libraries, full opengl api, audio, network, gui interaction, etc.) and if the devices could run a giant app with a large memory/disk footprint, then there might be a path to a solution.

But also please remember that FlightGear is an open source project that only moves forward when people make contributions of their time and knowledge.  So ultimately what is required here is to find a person (or persons) with and interest in the target device; this person(s) need appropriate developer level knowledge of the device (or interest in researching and learning what is required); this person(s) also need a willingness or motivation to work on porting FlightGear to the device and time.  FlightGear is what it is because of the amazing talent and contributions of so many, but there is always more than could be done.

We are happy to hear wish list request and sometimes they align with the current efforts of one of our developers and they are happy to get some feedback and direction in their efforts.  But sometimes wishlist items are hard, or a ton of work, or in an area that no one really knows much about ... in those cases my advice is to consider diving in and and research the issue yourself.  Necessity is the mother of invention. :-)  Otherwise you may wish to become highly persuasive in order to find and convince someone that your suggestion is worthy of their volunteer time and energy.  It may very well be a worthy suggestion, but you have to either do it yourself, or convince someone else that it is interesting enough or important enough that they should dedicate a lot of time to the idea.  When working on your persuasive skills, I suggest really focusing on being positive and encouraging.  Volunteers don't like to be guilted or bludgeoned or shamed into working on something ... we are all doing this for fun and the satisfaction of accomplishment and self education.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of our developers and subscribers to the developer mailing list! :-)

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